Celcom Wireless Broadband down..
conteng2 Sunday, November 16, 20082 hari takde internet connection rasa macam tak pekena breakfast je. (kadang-kadang miss jugak breakfast :) Setakat pakai wireless ni, dah dua kali terkena macam ni. Tapi kali ni memang lama lah, dekat dua hari. Ingatkan modem rosak ke apa..then dial their magic number 1 300 111 000, belum sempat tekan apa-apa voicecall diorang dah bagitau awal-awal, "we are sorry, celcom broadband is currently unavailable right now..bla bla" Bagi la sms ke apa ke kan senang.. argh! I need the momentum right now!
Ada pic request from my wife. Gambar ni kira thaqif pre birthday party bfore the actual party on the saturday. Special sponge cake from Wan. When people look at this picture, they might say..nice, great for family album!....Hm don't carelah cantik ke tak cantik because I think I can put anything in my blog aight?..:)
inner peace...inner..inner peace....

Ada pic request from my wife. Gambar ni kira thaqif pre birthday party bfore the actual party on the saturday. Special sponge cake from Wan. When people look at this picture, they might say..nice, great for family album!....Hm don't carelah cantik ke tak cantik because I think I can put anything in my blog aight?..:)
inner peace...inner..inner peace....
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