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Ezan & Man

, Sunday, December 21, 2008

Last kopek before I went to Manchester. A Little bit delay, but the photos is on the way through the mail. Ya! even though the internet is super fast here but uploading the extremely large seems a huge problem for me. By the time I finished the upload and later my printer finish downloading time, the mail will reach Malaysia.

Today's entry a little bit different. I've to deploy certain angle to capture the sweetness. I've told the couple to relax themselves and enjoy being a married couple. Love is everywhere and they are the lucky one to reach them that day.

I always try to nail the best shot after the makeup is complete.

check out more pictures after the jump

It has been twice this year at this location.

The weather is superb!

During akad nikah

Now, that's a relief

Portraiture session

outside the blue mosque

you can see this performance only in our country maa

lovely couple..

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  1. Angahazie said...

    Teh,angah dah amik webcamera kat Pilah.Kat mana nak carik driver eh?Bang Wan dah jumpa tapi x leh lak.Mic eh ok.Ayong ngan Nina ada kat Sbn.Sume nak tgk Akip.

  2. Anonymous said...

    hi teh.. ni kak yong nih,, hurmh.. teh letak larh gamba akip manyak2.. yg plg comeyh mase dia naik bas 2 kan .. berbalut badan die.. hahahhah..

  3. Lanz said...

    Okay Yong, rajin-rajinlah tengok blog Aqip ok?

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