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Here we come Manchester!

, Thursday, December 4, 2008

Entry kali ni takde gamba pulak. Somehow I got this internet wifi here in Abu Dhabi International Airport. Alhamdulillah separuh perjalanan kitorang dari Kuala Pilah ke Manchester dah selesai. Saya dan Thaqif stucked (Transit actually) kat Abu Dhabi international airport. Kitorang try etihad Airways yg rasa not bad of 7 hours journey. You got interractive lcd infront of you where we can watch our favourite movie ( Sepi pun ada masuk maa). We got to watch live cam from the airplane nose...impressive! Nothing could stop a 2 years old son to mess his seat with his meal and stuff. I couldn't get enough sleep and now waiting for the next 7 hours journey.

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  1. Angahazie said...

    Congratulation to Kipkip.He finally made it.Long journey just to be with his Ibu.Take a good care of him :-)

  2. Anonymous said...

    dah sampai lun?? den tongah buek lomang kek spital cicah ngan penicilin

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