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I got my bag

Friday, July 11, 2008

Finally, I owned a bag to store my valuable equipments. Although I didn't do them justice by buying a used products, it's a practical move. The pads, zippers and the compartments are built to take care my gears from scratch, dent or the weather outside. Maybe you can check their website.
The previous owner hardly use the bag and I can see that from the exterior condition.

Full length shot image is a little bit boring but it's a mustdo to display the product.

I would prefer a series pictures where I include some closeup which you may not recognize if you didn't see the 'whole big picture'. :)

Exercise a fair justice to my first digital camera.

Actually, the bag is spacious. There are compartments on the side and front with extra small pockets inside.

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  1. kuireena said...

    Gud for u!

    Anyways, it looks 10 times better than your old bag..heheh. Makes u look like 5 years younger (bah, jgn kembang idung aaa)

  2. Lanz said...

    Thanks Kuireena. It's just a bag anyway that makes people look younger. :)

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