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Fallowfield Review

, Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Here's the view in front of our apartment. She opted for gated apartment and ground floor as an added bonus. She is going to her Uni now with grizzling rain along the way. Notice the wet pavement and her IKEA shade. It's cold I'm telling you.

I do this jump to track my favourite entry. :)

Agnes Court is where we live and just a 2 minutes walk to nearest bust stop. The bus service is really reliable and friendly to people carrying stroller/buggy. Lepas jugak Stroller 'Anakku' ke Manchester. We notice a lot of intuitive stroller design here and they are not cheap either. Thinking bout getting one for Thaqif but not our priority right now. He seems to enjoy it eh?

At Piccadilly garden where the heart of the city (I guess) and main bus station. The train just passing by slowly in the middle of the road (not in the picture) without honking you out of the way when crossing in front of them. We prep him w 3 layers of cloth by the way..

I pay a visit to London Camera Exchange and request their free brochure. You might to pay this stuff in Malaysia. D3X! technologies is faster than wear & tear of your car tyres.

I shouldn't brag about this picture anyway cause KLCC is something similar. However the contents of the shop is significantly different. I pay $18 for my stupid nokia charger. Argh! you could get RM10 from Ah Leong.

This is the last pic I could snap before the Officer told me "Alright mate! You're not allowed to take pictures here eh?". Argos is different..All the stuff sold are displayed in their catalog and u just pick and they'll pick them up from the store. If you're lazy like Garfield can just browse their website aje.

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  1. Angahazie said...

    Amboii seronoknya jalan2.Kita orang nak kacau dodol tak lama lagi...tgh kira korum.cukup ke tak..he..he

  2. Lanz said...

    Jalan-jalan carik barang aje. Dodol memang tak dapek nak buat sini. Sapa nak sunat?

  3. Angahazie said...

    kalau nak setup IM(skype) pakai email apa?

  4. ukanera arenaku said...

    alhamdulillah, you guys have safely settled down. i was in ladybarn, the hall opposite the tesco store. although fallowfield is quite a distance from Uni, but the halls are nearby the amenities, everything is there, kan...

  5. Lanz said...

    Angah, kena install software skype. yahoo messenger pun boleh gak. Arenaku..pretty complete here, fish,meat & chicken. Labour cost is 'whalow eh?!!'

  6. Angahazie said...

    Teh,angah dah setup Skype kat umah dan kat opis.Ha ,kat opis tu online 24jam(8pagi ke kul 5.30ptg.cari nama 'azidasahar').Kat umah tgk2lah kalau rajin je.1hb Dis ni ada kenduri cukur kekah Amzah Ya Ain Alip..he..he.Angah tgh wat blog sendiri.nanti kita update:-)

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