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Chinatown, Manchester

, Monday, January 5, 2009

We started our journey with casual portrait as usual, just to warm up the cameralah. One day I may want to get some portrait from the local people here. Look that very distinguish it is.

Available light...not that dramatic but it's hard to get him smiling like that. 1/10 shots.

Yeah, he's planning up to something..

Better let him warm that legs up!

Okay, off we go..view from inside the double decker. Empty!

Here's the famous Chinatown. I'm looking for dry anchovies and mortar & pastelpestle (lesung). I found one with 'Jamie Oliver' brand from the local supermarket. I thought maybe I can find it cheaper here.

Strange to see these shops got stairs at the entrance. It's troublesome to climb up the stair with the stroller. One of us got to stay outside with Thaqif. Yeah! we found what we need.

Found sardine chap Ayam as well. 1 pound lebih..erk!..My wife told me that Oliver Twist punya lesung much cheaper than the one that I bought.Oh well..Here she is with Lempok Durian..I'm still okay with that but I really miss TEH TARIK!!

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  1. ukanera arenaku said...

    the arc looks much better in ur pictures than it actually is.

    may i suggest the thai shop (can't remember its name) opposite woo sang, but it's in the basement.

  2. Lanz said...

    You think so about the arch?I agree w you, maybe because of the contrast of its shape portray those curvy line. She went there as well and bought a lot! Not many shops there eh?

  3. aliff + afifah + adam + ada said...

    very nice photo's you have there lanz. shoot more, u have a fan now ;)

  4. Lanz said...

    Thank you Lucy, check out the space yah!

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